How to get the most out of your yacht through home automation

When buying a yacht, you possibly pay attention to factors such as size, quality of materials, comfort, navigation, etc. However, few people think about which system integration technology to use. Home automation is a very important factor and at Censys we help you to get your luxury yacht.


At Censys we integrate the control of all the elements of your yacht so that it can be managed through one single device. Therefore, all systems can be programmed and managed from any area on the ship. Through our integration systems, we offer the client to create endless scenes according to the time of year, time of day or coordinates. With this you get a great dynamism and you can have a boat with great advantages.

The structure components of most of the yachts that are sailing on open seas cause problems for having a powerful and continuous WIFI signal.. Our R + D + i department thoroughly studies each vessel to install WIFI points with the necessary characteristics to obtain a signal of maximum performance and without interruptions.

Air conditioning
This is another important factor for comfort on the yacht. Both for an excellent climate control system and ventilation, domotics must be implemented to achieve maximum efficiency of the boat through energy management.

One of the biggest benefits of home automation is that, through technology, you can minimize the errors of any system. In security this is of vital importance, since it allows the detection of incidents immediately. The integration of video cameras in the security system and centralized control is another of the services we carry out for you at Censys.

To fully enjoy all the audio visual equipment is another aspect where home automation plays a key role. Reprogramming of the antenna by coordinates, living an experience as if being in a movie theatre, the perfect control of all the televisions from any point of the ship or the implementation of a sound architecture to get the interior and exterior areas perfectly conditioned to listen music; these are just some of the reasons why you should go for home automation in your yacht.