Home automation technology for offices: more flexible and effective solutions for the pandemic. 

The health crisis has forced us to seek better solutions for our companies. Teleworking is one of these solutions, but not all companies have been able to establish this method of work. A very viable option is the automation of workspaces to make them a safer, more efficient, and productive place for employees. In this post we will talk about the measures that we can offer in Censys to the offices to improve security, connectivity, efficiency, and productivity. 

The state of alarm has ended, but this does not mean saying goodbye to the pandemic yet. With the advent of telecommuting, a large number of companies have sent their employees to work from their homes, however, a large number of companies require employees in the workplace. The needs of companies have changed, and our technology is always looking to provide the best solutions for these changes. With technologies such as the one provided by Mobotix to our company, we can achieve the automation of these companies in an efficient way. 

Security is the main reason when opting for a home automation control in the company and we achieve it with Mobotix video systems. The sensors per camera, the image quality and the flexibility in their operation are just three of the great features that we can provide at Censys through video technology. During the pandemic, our video technology provides thermographic solutions (to control the temperature), control the use of the mask, detect crowds, excess capacity, lack of social distancing and many uses that can prevent contagion in companies. 

Correct ventilation is a key and essential factor in the prevention of contagion. Our home automation can provide you good ventilation and air conditioning in the workspaces that have the most capacity, without forgetting the importance of energy efficiency. Our devices can offer you all the information you need about the energy consumption of your company, so that you can optimize it to the maximum.