Home automation for post-covid air conditioning in public and commercial buildings

The short cold season is coming in our country with it a new concern and dilemma: air conditioning in closed spaces after the pandemic. The coronavirus, which has not yet spoken its last words, has forced us to take anti-contagion measures and, therefore, change our lifestyle. How can we air condition, ventilate closed spaces and create a healthy environment while respecting anti-covid measures? Systems integration is the answer and in this post we will explain why.

With the changes in maximum capacity limits that we have suffered, from Censys we have developed integrated solutions to try to be as efficient as possible while being careful with this post-covid era.

Contactless access control, to avoid the contact with contaminated surfaces.

Cameras to count the people present in a room, help us to maintain the maximum capacity limits, as well as to increase or decrease the speed and intensity of ventilation. Nowdays, we can also know the body temperature and detect people in a feverish state.

Energy efficiency, through external sensors and internal thermostats we seek balance and efficiency by regulating temperature, humidity and air quality, always seeking a pleasant and healthy environment.

Automation, in this case looking for energy efficiency, we find a balance between the necessary light and natural light by regulating the intensity of each point of light, or by opening or closing blinds / stores.