Censys, the technology that makes the lives of people with disabilities easier

Around 4 million people in Spain suffer from some type of disability that may be hindering their development throughout their lives. In other words, around 10% of our society can live with physical obstacles that prevent them from living a simple day to day life. According to this data provided by the INE (National Institute of Statistics), it means that 1 out of every 5 homes in our country belongs to a person who has a disability that makes their life more difficult.

But what do we mean by “disability”? According to the RAE, a person with a disability is one who has physical, mental, intellectual or sensory deficiencies who, by interacting with certain barriers, can observe their full and effective participation in society, on equal terms with others. However, persons with a degree equal to or greater than 33% are considered disabled. Therefore, not all people will have the same needs when it comes to automating their home, since this largely depends on their preferences and lifestyle.

Although there are currently thousands of smart homes in Spain and although a 300% increase in these is expected for the next 10 years, today there are still a large number of homes that do not have automated homes that allow them to live a simpler and more pleasant life. And how can Censys technology improve the lives of these differently-abled people?

A smart home could be controlled by voice, by touch, by motion sensors, remotely and centrally and with a simple click on our mobile, smart watch or tablet. It’s that simple that a person can control air conditioning systems, lighting, shutters, doors and windows, various appliances, security and surveillance cameras and even devices that we use for leisure, such as television, radio, etc. Something that could undoubtedly be interesting for a disabled person’s home is the control of the inclination of their bed, control of cranes or chairlifts, in short, the control of technological devices that they need to improve their quality of life.

Censys is even an extra value in intellectual or mentally disabled people’s lives of people with mental or intellectual disabilities, since it can help them remember important routines with the help of alarms and warnings. Something that at first might seem superfluous in our lives, becomes a tool of great value that makes life easier for those who need it.